Embed Multiple Audio Channels in a Single Track (via FFMPEG)

Embed Multiple Audio Channels in a Single Track (via FFMPEG)

First we can record auidio in Chrome:

Save the capture

Convert the capture into mono:

ffmpeg -i 5-tamil-mono.mp3 -ss 0 -t 10 -ac 1 5.mp3

Here is an example for 5 channels:

    -i 1.mp3 -i 2.mp3 -i 3.mp3 -i 4.mp3 -i 5.mp3
    -filter_complex "[0:a][1:a][2:a][3:a][4:a]amerge=inputs=5[a]"
    -map "[a]"

You can read more here: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/AudioChannelManipulation
